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Temptation is Temporary

his week we asked ourselves the question, why do we get tempted?

Temptation - something that entices us.

The things that tempt us are things that are pleasing to our flesh. Things that innately feel good. Temptation can make us feel weak and when we give in to it, it can make us feel defeated. Sometimes we may even feel like we're alone in the struggle. The bible tells us that temptations are common and God allows us to go through them for a reason. We should take our temptations as an opportunity for growth. Rather than giving into what feels good, seek God for strength and he will allow you to overcome them (Titus 2:11-13).

We'll always have temptations as long as we live in this world. But as we grow stronger in Christ, He'll equip us with the ability to withstand those things that we ought not do and live a life that is pleasing to him.

Our takeaway from tonight's scripture and discussion:

- Think before you act. Don't be self pleasers. Temptation produces temporary satisfaction. This is something we must always keep in mind as we go about our day.

- Analyze the things that we allow to take precedence over God and work on improving them.

- Our temptations reveal the deepest desires of our hearts. Seek God so that he transforms your heart to seek the things that please Him.

Here's a brief summary based on the book The Truth About Lies by Tim Chaddick.

Temptation has a revealing effect, uncovering the heart’s desires, proving both the depth and direction of your conviction. It shows what you’re really committed to, what you really care about, what has captured your deepest affections. The type of person we become—courageous, fearful, paranoid, brave, stingy, generous—is shaped by what we love the most. The trouble is, according to the Bible, our loves are all out of order. Will I be willing to admit a wrongdoing when I am convicted by God’s Spirit or will I choose to bury it because I love appearing faultless in front of people? Will I be willing to admit my need for correction or will I choose a façade because I love appearing right before others? Will I say no when I am asked to overwork or will I say yes because I love to be needed?

The greatest temptations lure us by replacing truth with lies, authenticity with appearance, and love of God with love of self.

We must look within and ask, what is it that we love most?

Like it or not, these choices must be made daily. And our choices have consequences not only affecting our own souls but the souls of those around us for good or bad. But this reality should neither lead us to denial nor leave us in despair. Because the topic of temptation raises the issues of the heart, it’s not enough just to have some good principles in place hoping that through our rule-keeping or image-management we will actually bring inside-out change. Temptation is a battle but it’s not just about winning or losing, it’s about discovering who you really are. And what you love most. The gospel so transforms us that even moments of temptation become the training ground for a life of abundance as our hearts are radically reshaped and reordered by the love of Jesus for us.

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